Thank you for donating to Napa Valley Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)!

Napa Valley COAD is pleased of all the work we have done together with all of the member agency, non-profits & faith-based organizations, government agencies and those from the private sector.  We have not had a major disaster in Napa County in a while which often increase the giving and volunteering.  Your donations help ensure Napa Valley COAD is Ready and Resourced to Respond in case the need were to arise.  We have activated multiple times in response to large power outages and helping our community with replacing some of the food they may have lost.

We also are delighted of the work we have been doing in the community when it comes to our outreach efforts.  COAD wants Napa County residents to be a little more prepared to respond to an emergency or disaster and becoming more resilient along with their community.  Your donations help us to continue to coordinate these efforts by providing “Meet Your Neighbor” workshops and attend resource fairs across the whole County.




¡Gracias por donar a Napa Valley Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)!

Napa Valley COAD se complacide de todo el trabajo que hemos realizado junto con todas las agencias miembro, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y basadas en la fe, agencias gubernamentales y aquellas del sector privado. No hemos tenido un gran desastre en el Condado de Napa en mucho tiempo, lo que a menudo aumenta las donaciones y el voluntariado. Sus donaciones ayudan a garantizar que Napa Valley COAD esté Lista y Con Recursos para Responder en caso de que surja la necesidad. Nos hemos activado varias veces en respuesta a grandes cortes de energía y ayudando a nuestra comunidad a reemplazar parte de los alimentos que pudieron haber perdido.

También nos encantárese el trabajo que hemos estado realizando en la comunidad en lo que respecta a nuestros esfuerzos de alcance. COAD desea que los residentes del Condado de Napa estén un poco más preparados para responder a una emergencia o desastre y se vuelvan más resilientes junto con su comunidad. Sus donaciones nos ayudan a continuar coordinando estos esfuerzos al brindar talleres “Conozca a su vecino” y asistir a ferias de recursos en todo el Condado.


$100,000 TO $500,000

Napa Valley Community Foundation

County of Napa – Health and Human Services Agency (MSA grant)

$30,000 to $99,999


$10,000 to $29,999

County of Napa – Office of Emergency Services
Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center

$2,500 to $9,999

Julia Winiarski
Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund, a Community Impact Fund of Napa Valley Community Foundation
Pacific Gas & Electric
Penelope and Ronald Mallen Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Napa Valley Community Foundation
United Way Northern California

$1,000 to $2,499


$500 to $999

Far Niente Wine Estate – in-kind

Aura M Silva & Miguel Ángel Castañón


Under $249
Alissa Abdo
Lynne Baker
Sharyn Barthes
Daniela Bazan
James and Suzanne Bronk
Gregory Brown
Gloria I. Castañón & Juan Alberto Ruiz
Irene DeWeese
Susan Eakle
Nancy Fireman
Abigail Flores
Sharyn Fuller
Karen Garcia
Marlena Garcia
Amy Garden
Nathan Gilfenbaum
Celeste Giunta
Michele Grupe
Jill Hancock
Wakoh Shannon Hickey
Camille Kaijankoski
Frances Knapczyk
Paulette Litz
Damian May
Wendi Moore
Jonathan Niksa
Harris and Johanna Nussbaum and Muth
Jenny Ocon
Joan Osterman
Richard Peterson
Allison Saether
Susan Shenk
Julie Spencer
Scott Thomason
Elayna Trucker
Darlene Valencia
Katherine Wade

We are so thankful for the outpouring of support for Napa Valley COAD in the midst of recent emergencies. 2020 proved to be an extraordinary year in many respects.  The recognition of COAD’s work and generosity of this community makes it possible for Napa Valley COAD to continue its work to coordinate the efforts of second responders to meet the needs of families impacted by COVID-19 and the 2020 wildfires, as well as provide support and services to member agencies. These donors are making our community stronger and more resilient. Thank you so much.

Special Gift Card note: Thanks to the many community members and organizations, within and outside of Napa County, who donated gift cards to support evacuees in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 Wildfires.  Between the two wildfires, community donations totaled $160,000 of the $350,000 distributed.  Thanks to the Napa Valley Community Foundation and local nonprofits for providing additional gift cards to meet needs.

Deep appreciation to Napa Valley Community Foundation for its ongoing support of the community with grants and gift cards for those impacted by COVID-19 and the 2020 wildfires, as well as its support of and making Napa Valley COAD possible!

Estamos muy agradecidos por la gran cantidad de apoyo para Napa Valley COAD en medio de emergencias recientes. 2020 resultó ser un año extraordinario en muchos aspectos. El reconocimiento del trabajo de COAD y la generosidad de esta comunidad hace posible que Napa Valley COAD continúe su trabajo para coordinar los esfuerzos de los socorristas para satisfacer las necesidades de las familias afectadas por COVID-19 y los incendios forestales de 2020, así como brindar apoyo y servicios a las agencias miembro. Estos donantes están fortaleciendo y fortaleciendo a nuestra comunidad. Muchas gracias.

Nota especial sobre la tarjeta de regalo: Gracias a los muchos miembros y organizaciones de la comunidad, dentro y fuera del condado de Napa, que donaron tarjetas de regalo para ayudar a los evacuados inmediatamente después de los incendios forestales de 2020. Entre los dos incendios forestales, las donaciones de la comunidad totalizaron $ 160,000 de los $ 350,000 distribuidos. Gracias a la Fundación Comunitaria del Valle de Napa y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales por proporcionar tarjetas de regalo adicionales para satisfacer las necesidades.

¡Un profundo agradecimiento a Napa Valley Community Foundation por su apoyo continuo a la comunidad con subvenciones y tarjetas de regalo para aquellos afectados por COVID-19 y los incendios forestales de 2020, así como por su apoyo y hacer posible el COAD de Napa Valley!


Key Funders – Over $1,000,000

Napa Valley Community Foundation

$100,000 TO $500,000

County of Napa – Office of Emergency Services

$30,000 to $99,999

Global Giving
Providence St. Joseph Health – Community Partnership Fund
United Way Bay Area

$10,000 to $29,999

California Wellness Foundation
Pacific Gas & Electric
Pine Ridge Vineyards – Crimson Wine Group
Queen of the Valley Medical Center (new grant in 2024)

$2,500 to $9,999

Chandre Sarkar-Singhal
The Craig and Katherine Hall Foundation
Grace Episcopal Church – St Helena
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund; Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley; and Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region
United Methodist Church of St. Helena

$1,000 to $2,499

Christopher Struhar
Kelly Tanita
Mark and Cheryl Joseph
Milton Cornwell
SalesForce – matching donation
St Helena Firesafe Council

$500 to $999
Google Inc. – matching donation
Heidi Paul
Kara Harrington
Laura Colson
Lynn Mounter
Mary Lee Wegner
Martha Schroeder
Monica Amick
Soroptimists of American Canyon
Steven Stanton
Sebastopol Fire Department

Anonymous (2)
Beverly Smith
Casey O’Hare
Gwen McGill
Ian Hughs
Jeannie Tomei-Dini
Jimit Ladha
John Harrington
Larissa Clopton
Margaret Klick
Matthew Tenner
Michael Kail


Under $249
Anonymous (5)
Alissa Abdo
April O’Donnell
Arianna Silveira
Ashley Keefer Hancock
Barbara Campbell
Belia Ramos
Celeste Giunta
Christine Smith
Claire Bai
Corey Morgan
Danni Smith
Dar Valencia
Dena Abercombie
Elba Gonzalez
Emily Westerhold
Greg Fetters
Gregory Hendricks
Heather Stanton
Heather and Steve Teague
Hilary Zunin
Janell Sanchez
Jenny Ocon
Jeremy Pollack
Joan Ratner
Judy Blank
Kimberly Whistler
Kristi Lesnowich
Larry Lyons
Margaret Ready
Marlena Garcia
Michele Grupe
Natalie Marshall
Pamela Jackson
Patricia Reynes
Patrick Shepardson
Reid Griggs
Robert Collier
Ruth McCrum
Scott Thomason
Sheri Fidel
Sidney Girardin
Sijay Li
Stuart Gansky
Susan Hogue
Wendi Moore

In-Kind Support/Partners

Thanks to the many organizations who have supported COAD’s coordinated efforts over these past months.  These partners have contributed significant staff, time, and resources to our collaborative efforts!


Apoyo en especie / Socios

Gracias a las muchas organizaciones que han apoyado los esfuerzos coordinados de COAD durante estos últimos meses. ¡Estos socios han contribuido con personal, tiempo y recursos significativos a nuestros esfuerzos de colaboración!

Abode Services
Adventist Health Foundation and Hospital
Aldea Children and Family Services
Bay Area Legal Aid
CanDo Napa Valley
Catholic Charities Santa Rosa
Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership
City of American Canyon
City of Napa
City of St. Helena
Community Action Napa Valley
Community Health Initiative
Community Leaders Coalition
Community Resources for Children
Cope Family Center
Creative Crisis Leadership
CrossWalk Church
Fair Housing Napa Valley
Feeding it Forward
Grace Episcopal Church St Helena
Kaiser Permanente
Kara Harrington
Mentis Napa
Molly’s Angels
Napa Farmers Market
Napa Valley Community Foundation
Napa Valley Transit Authority
On the Move
Ole Health Foundation
Providence Adult Day Care
Providence Queen of the Valley Medical
Puertas Abiertas
Rianda House
St Mary’s Episcopal Church Napa
Seventh-day Adventist Church – Calistoga and Angwin
The Haven Church
Tish Wagner/Rutherford Grange
Town of Yountville
Trinchero Family Estates
United Policyholders
UpValley Family Centers
Wine Down Media

Special thanks to the wineries that supported weekend meals for those in need during spring 2020:

B Cellars Vineyards and Wineries
Cakebread Cellars
Clif Family Winery
Peju Winery
Stags Leap Wine Cellars
The Hess Collection
Trinchero NV Family Estates

Un agradecimiento especial a las bodegas que apoyaron las comidas de fin de semana para los necesitados durante la primavera de 2020: