Training Events Sponsored by COAD




These workshops are available to COAD agencies and community groups. Available in English and Spanish. Please contact us at for more information.

Talleres de Preparaciones de Listos

Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con –

Meet Your Neighbor (formerly Map Your Neighborhood)

Meet Your Neighbor (MYN) is a unique program that brings neighbors together to plan for emergencies. The program walks you and your neighbors through a process to identify your neighborhood assets and vulnerabilities and how to better prepare together for all potential hazards. Classes are typically offered every other month from February – November.

Register Here for an introductory class: LINK

Learn more here: LINK

Conozca a Su Vecino

Conozca a Su Vecino (MYN por sus siglas en inglés) es un programa único que reúne a los vecinos para planificar las emergencias. El programa le guía paso por paso a usted y a sus vecinos a través de un proceso para identificar los bienes y vulnerabilidades de su barrio y cómo prepararse mejor juntos para todos los peligros potenciales.

*Ahorita no se ofrecen clases en español, pero seguimos trabajando para poder ofrecerlos pronto.

Haga clic aquí para aprender más: ENLACE



These workshops are offered in partnership with Aldea Children and Family Services.  The workshops are offered over two consecutive days and all participants are asked to confirm they can attend both sessions.

About the workshop

The workshop provides the opportunity to gain an understanding of the basis of trauma and how you can identify and support those experiencing trauma.  The first session focuses on the theoretical background around trauma with the second session focusing on techniques and practices for dealing with trauma, including self care.

Talleres de Atención de Trauma Informado

Estos talleres se ofrecen en colaboración con Aldea Children y Family Services en el transcurso de dos días consecutivos y se les pide a todos los participantes que confirmen su asistencia para las dos sesiones.

Sobre el taller

El taller brinda la oportunidad para ganar un entendimiento sobre los puntos básicos del trauma y cómo se puede identificar y apoyar a los que lo experimentan. La primera sesión se enfoca en el contexto teórico sobre el trauma y la segunda sesión se enfoca en los métodos y prácticas para poder enfrentar el trauma, incluyendo el cuidado personal.



This workshop is offered in partnership with CERT.

We will announce future dates for this workshop when they are available.

About UHA Workshops

Until Help Arrives provides attendees with basic skills in responding during an emergency when help is not immediately available.  Attendees learn five basic steps that may help save a life until professionals arrive: call 911, stay safe, stop the bleeding, position the injured, and provide comfort.  Past attendees have noted that you leave the session with a new sense of ‘I’ve got this’ and that the workshop is well presented via the on-line format!



Previous Trainings & Workshops

  • Incident Command Systems Training – November 6, 2019: ICS handouts
  • “Stronger Together”  Napa Valley COAD Conference, September 2018: Conference Agenda
  • “Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and Others with Access and Functional Needs Into All Phases of Disaster Planning and Operations,” August 2018: Presentation
  • Building Community Resilience, July 2018: Presentation
  • Violent Intruder Events, June 2018
  • Emergency Operating Plan Updates, Non-Profits May 2018
  • Critical Incident Stress Management, April 2018